伴随小米6上市 雷军表态大力拓展线下销售-kaiyun·开云,kaiyun·开云(官方)app下载安装ios/安卓通用版/手机版
本文摘要:Chinese smartphone vendor Xiaomi Corp, best-known for its online sales strategy, said last Wednesday that it aims to generate 70 billion yuan (10.2 billion dollars) in revenue from its stores in the next five years.因线上销售策略而著称的中国智能手机供应商小米公司于上周三回应,其目标是在未来五年从其实体店中取得700亿元人民币(102亿美元)的收益。

Chinese smartphone vendor Xiaomi Corp, best-known for its online sales strategy, said last Wednesday that it aims to generate 70 billion yuan (10.2 billion dollars) in revenue from its stores in the next five years.因线上销售策略而著称的中国智能手机供应商小米公司于上周三回应,其目标是在未来五年从其实体店中取得700亿元人民币(102亿美元)的收益。The announcement came as the Beijing-based company plans to open 1,000 stores in China within three years.发表声明之际,这家北京的公司计划在三年内在全中国开办1000门店。Lei Jun, CEO of Xiaomi, said: We can replicate our online success in bricks-and-mortar stores. Many people said we had to raise prices once we move offline. But we proved that optimized operating efficiency can help us remain cost-effective.小米首席执行官雷军回应:“我们可以在实体店再现线上销售的巅峰。

许多人都说道我们进军线下销售之后被迫提升价格。但我们证明,优化的运营效率可以协助我们维持高性价比。”The company opened a Mi Home retail store in a Beijing high-end shopping mall earlier this month, which Lei said has been overwhelmed with consumers and highlighted that its offline retailing strategy is a success.本月初,小米公司在北京一家高端购物中心开办了一家小米之家零售商店。

雷军称之为,这家零售店客人络绎不绝,并特别强调小米的线下零售战略早已获得了顺利。Xiaomi also unveiled its latest flagship handset, the Mi 6, last Wednesday, highlighting the company’s intensified efforts to experiment with new industrial designs.小米也在上周三公布了最新款手机小米6,以此突显小米公司增大希望尝试新型工业设计。

Mi 6 comes with four-sided curved glass and a stainless steel frame. It is the first Chinese handset to come with a Snapdragon 835 processor, the latest mobile chip from Qualcomm Inc. Lei said: Mi 6 is the culmination of our seven years of research and development in the smartphone industry.小米6使用了四曲面玻璃和不锈钢框架。这是中国第一款备有骁龙835处理器(高通公司近期移动芯片)的手机。雷军回应回应:“小米6是我们智能手机行业七年研发的结晶。




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