“kaiyun·开云,kaiyun·开云(官方)app下载安装ios/安卓通用版/手机版”科技公司挑战传统银行 纷纷入局支付大战
本文摘要:Big tech groups are now working to cut out banks as the middlemen, threatening to turn legacy financial institutions into the dumb pipes that feed the back-end infrastructure of firms such as Amazon, Google or Facebook.如今,大型科技集团于是以希望把作为中间人的银行挤掉,威胁要把这种历史悠久的金融机构变为向亚马逊、谷歌或脸书等公司获取后台基础设施的“寂静地下通道”。

Big tech groups are now working to cut out banks as the middlemen, threatening to turn legacy financial institutions into the dumb pipes that feed the back-end infrastructure of firms such as Amazon, Google or Facebook.如今,大型科技集团于是以希望把作为中间人的银行挤掉,威胁要把这种历史悠久的金融机构变为向亚马逊、谷歌或脸书等公司获取后台基础设施的“寂静地下通道”。The days when a single channel for financial services was controlled by banks are coming to an end, said David Parker, head of banking at Accenture UK and Ireland.埃森哲英国和爱尔兰地区银行业主管戴维·帕克回应:“银行掌控唯一金融服务渠道的日子就要完结了。”Companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook and many others who have much more intimacy with their customers will be able to demand and create better services, said Parker.帕克称之为:“谷歌、亚马逊、脸书及其他许多与客户享有亲近得多的关系的公司,将有能力拒绝和打造出更佳的服务。

”In the short term, this will be the equivalent of small fish nibbling away at parts of a banks services, but in the longer-term, most banks are worried.“从短期来看,这相等于小鱼在蚕食银行的部分服务,但从更加将来的角度来看,大多数银行都很忧虑。”It will become attractive for tech firms to pick off parts of the bank - Amazon lending to small merchants, Google putting a buy button in its adverts, Facebook facilitating money transfers.“对科技公司而言,代替银行的各个部分将显得有吸引力——亚马逊向小商家获取借贷,谷歌在广告上加到出售按钮,脸书使账户更加便捷。”Amazons payment service is already advancing steadily: today, it allows online vendors on its Marketplace site to take payments across the US and Europe, and also makes small loans to its US merchants through its B2B arm, Amazon Business. The division was recently launched in Germany, although it does not make loans in Europe yet.亚马逊缴纳服务早已在急剧前进:现在,亚马逊旗下平台Marketplace上的在线商家可以在美国和欧洲范围内收款,亚马逊还通过旗下的企业对企业(B2B)平台Amazon Business向美国商家派发小额贷款。

这个业务分支早已开始在德国运营,尽管还并未在欧洲积极开展贷款业务。In 2016, the e-commerce firm rolled out Pay with Amazon across France, Italy and Spain — a PayPal-like service that allows users to pay for non-Amazon purchases including government services, insurance and travel, using their Amazon login on thousands of third-party websites.在2016年,这家电商公司在法国、意大利和西班牙发售了“Pay with Amazon”服务--这种类似于PayPal的服务容许用户用于他们的亚马逊账户指定数以千计的第三方网站,为非亚马逊消费缴付,还包括政府服务、保险和旅游等。In 2016, payment volume on this service nearly doubled and was used by 33 million customers, Amazon said.亚马逊回应,2016年该服务的缴纳金额总数完全快速增长一倍,用于该服务的用户超过3300万。




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